- Well no one I knew has been rejected when going to Harvard, John Hopkins, Yale, Mayo, Cleaveland etc. Always remember big names never get rejected and smaller universities rarely get accepted so never apply for visa on their basis. Although I dont understand the reason but big names never get rejected unless or until you commit a blunder.
- Now if you were unfortunate enough to have been rejected once or twice, dont worry you can try once more...but this time keep a good documentation...carry as much documents as possible....dont commit any blunder during interviews and stay calm...have a look at visa interview post...
- If you have been rejected multiple times, it means either your university is not a good one or you there is something missing either in your documents or in your attitude during interview. So please double check it!
- If unluckily your visa gets rejected, then next time apply on the basis of the same letter. DON’T TRY TO THE ACCEPTANCE LETTER OF ANOTHER UNIVERSITY OR CHANGE ANY OF YOUR YOUR STATEMENTS, IT WILL ONLY WEAKEN YOUR CASE. They have record of each and everything that you have said in the previous interview.
Although many recommend leaving the path of USMLEs if you get rejected for elective visa multiple times but I would recommend trying once on the basis of some research/observerships before leaving your passions/your dream. Best of luck! There is nothing like the end of life! Life always keeps on going with always something better in future for you than what you expect..so dont lose hope...
well I dont think you would
well I dont think you would apply for a VISIT visa....... i think you need a B1/B2 visa... plz ask the EC which type of visa they demand for observerhsip otherwise it is usually B1/B2 visa.... tc n best of luck!
I had been rejected for my US Visa previously
hello dear, hiya, i am santosh from india.. i really thank you from the bottom of my heart for such a good and helpful website.. i had a query that i have applied to yale university for electives and have got the acceptance letter from them .. but i have a history of a previous US visa rejection 2 years before when i had applied it for some other reason..... and they said that i was a potential immigrant .. bla bla bla..now my question is that what are the possibilities of getting a US visa on the basis of this ELECTIVE PLACEMENT.... if i now have proved to have proper TIES BACK to my country... ??? please help .. thank you .... Santosh...
hi santosh thanks a lot for
hi santosh
thanks a lot for your kind words...
well honestly speaking a strong US tie might still harm your visa acceptance chances but now when you have an electives acceptance and if you can justify your strong ties back to your country... your chances are same as someone else without any visa rejection history.. again... this is my personal opinion according to my personal experience... it might be somewhat different but I beleive it wont affect you much this time if you prove your strong home-ties...
visa rejection due to stronger tie to usa than india
hi umarbhaiya how r u?
i had an visa interview on 4th jan 2010. i appeared in visa interview for b2 visa.visa counsellar (she) only saw my D156, 157 FORM.she asked me about my brother ,father and mother.i replied to her that my brother is doctor in USA and he is also USA citizen.my father and my mother is retired persons.they are greenholder.they already have put file of mine for immigration visa in 2005.she also asked me about my mbbs i have already completed total duration of course?i told that i completed 4th year and total is 5 & 1/2 year course.she told me that we do not offer other type of visa to person whose name's file is already put for immigration visa.where are u right now living? i said that i am living with my uncle.SHE SAID NO ME FOR MY B2 VISA BECAUSE YOU ARE A STRONG TIE TO US THAN INDIA.
she did not see my accepatance letter of UMASS for Feb'sand March's clinical elective and my home college's letter state that i have to come back india to complete my remaining internship after completion of my clinical elective at UMASS in USA.I also deposited 10 lakhs ruppees in the form of bank fd and in the post office.and bank fd can not be withdrawl by anyone without my sign and physicical appearance in front of bank officer.
hi hardik sorry for your sad
hi hardik
sorry for your sad experience.
I also had a same problem. I got an immigration visa in 2004 and could not go to US before that on ANY visa. My father is waiting for his immigration visa; hence he cannot go to US on ANY visa; especially non-immigrant visa.
Suggestion for you: You should wait for your immigration visa before going for electives. By applying for non-immigrant visa, you are weakening your immigration visa case and your non-immigrant visa case is already weak because you have already filed for immigrant visa.
I don't mean to discourage you but I have tried to provide you the best possible advice/ information according to the best of my knowledge.
For those who don't know:
Immigration visa: Visa on which if u go to US, get a green card. You must have a close relative as a US citizen who can sponsor you. You can see US visa section on their website, for further details.
Non-immigrant visa: Visa on which if u go to US, you don't get any green card/ or become a US citizen.
My thoughts!
From my experiences, Umar bhai I came to know that it is not a fact rule that you cannot get a non-immigrant visa if your application for immigrant visa is under process.
My friend who is a doc now doing internship(Foundation year 1 job) in UK after doing his MBBS from India, applied for this B1/2 visa and got it. His immigrant petition was under process. He applied from UK for the visitor visa.
He prepared like hell for the visa. positive points were his good F1 salary in UK, family's good finacial standing in UK, he had booked return flights , hotels, planned the whole itinerary, took letter of invitation from his uncle in USA. They checked all his documents thorughly.
During his IV they were very strict and theVO had to consult/discuss somebody in the office back before granting his visa.
My advice would be to consult a good visa consultant before again embarking again on visa retrial. A good one i heard lots of paraises is himesh. his address is His address is -
K-13/A Green Park Extension
New Delhi – 110016
Tel No: 011- 26180125, 27
I was planning to consult him before my visa IV, but he was away in US during that time, i did on my own. you can read ppl's experiences abt him on this page http://www.rxpgonline.com/postt12551.html
Best Wishes
thanks medisid for the
thanks medisid for the update... it may be because of the difference of countries... because I myself applied for immigrant visa and I was told we cannot apply for any other visa but that was about 3-4 years ago... anyhow that might be old rule or a rule only for ppl from Pakistan.... m not sure about it... anyhow thanks for the update...
I m sorry hardik but u r not
I m sorry hardik but u r not eligible for any non-immigrant visa. While u have applied for an immigrant visa, u stay ineligible for all other type of visas... so the best option for u is to wait for ur immigration visa to come...
visa query
Hi Umar,
I have been accepted for MSKCC elective for the month of may.I had my visitor's visa rejected in nov 2008 when I applied along with my parents to attend my brother's graduation commencement ceremony.All the three of us had been rejected.Now my brother is still staying in USA and he is on F1 visa extension(for some optional training).While filling my visa application,I mentioned the same i.e. he is still there and he is a non immigrant.My visa date is on Feb 25.How should I support my strong ties to India and what are the chances of getting visa?Please reply.
@ your query, i personaly
@ your query, i personaly think f1 visa with your brother is in itself a 'non-imigrant' type, it should not pose at a threat as long as everthing falls with in the prescribed 'legal' methods for extension etc. all general rules like bank statement, affidevit of return and deans letter stating your undergraduate status, and your curriculum mandatory requrement- should apply in your case. you might want to check the visa section of this site.
Further i am also in the process of applying for an elective at MSKCC can you confirm if they require NYS eligibility letter?. and what is their 'post-acceptance' required documentation .
what is there usual processing time for an application, this will guide me as when I should submit my documents. I have all the application materials ready ! I can apply even tomoro, and I am aiming for august/september 2010. There website says apply in april for these months , but that seems kinda late to me.Jus drop ur 2 cents, it can help me :)
Hi, I think MSKCC has
I think MSKCC has made step1 compulsory from next year.My post reached them on nov 21,2009 and they replied to me on dec 31 sheduling me a telephonic interview...Only our strong intention to learn somthing abt cancer secures us a slot.we must convince them that we are very much interested to take part in the particular elective.we have to be specific about our speciality like hematology etc....After confirmation,they will ask us a infection control training certificate which costs around 30$ and nysed eligibilty letter (another 30$).
Note:only 100$ application fee even if we apply for 3 months
I hope its useful to u
thanks for your help, it was
thanks for your help, it was very useful, as well as ur experienced based insight review of their selection criteria. I am aware of their reacent Step1 req starting frm july 2010 onwards and fortunately I can fulfil that. To your knowledge, do they have a limit for max no electives you can apply for? as dis info iz less obvious on deir website and Which for most places is 8 weeks or less.
Plz go through the visa
Plz go through the visa section and visa guidance in detail... thanks!
hi....refused visa for CS
@umar ....
thanx for providing good information......
2 days back ..VO refused my visa for step 2 cs.....
as i already cleared step 1 and step 2 ck......
and also take date for cs on 31 st march at houston....VO :also seen my step 1 score..
appointment letter for exam...
and asked few routine question...
now wht to do?
i m going to reaaply again...as my consulting suggested to me...
according to u ?whta is best step?
please reply soon........
re-apply... I won't be able
I don't think there is
please please reply !!
thanku so much for putting up this post !!
my CS visa ws rejected 2de, i jst dunno y ?
the VO ws so awkward, she ws askin silly Qs like y dont u giv step 2 CS in India as u gave step1 ! , wht is residency , didnt evn c my CS visa letter , bt kept asking these so many odd Qs(things she is supposed 2 know !) and kepy me for 1/2 hr !!
n finally refused :(
I hav been 2 US once for a month for an elective in NYC-n came back in 1 month lawfully.....
Well as per my Counsellor it wasnt fair, n she seemed a newly appointed....n I shud apply again..
Thanx :)
thanks a lot for your kind
Visa rejected
You need to ask this question
visa rejection
hi umer..
i just wanted 2 ask you can i apply uk student visa as i was rejected for uk visitor visa.
u can.. i dont think the
can u pl guide me??
m a 3rd yr student from india preparing and planning for usmle.the day before yesterday my family's visitor visa was refused by the VO.usually they dont give the reason but she clarified tht as our petition has been filed we cant go at present but can go when the file opens.
we had applied to attend the graduation ceremony of my sister(on f1 just for mentioning). now the twist is tht the person who has filed our petition,my maternal grandmom , permanantly shifted to india since last 3 yrs.nd there is no sponsorer in behalf of her, so even if file opens aftr 2-3 yr (expectedly),its not going to benefit us or especially me as my parents at this age (55) dont intend to shift permanently.and i have already crossed 21 so the other way round also it is useless 4 me.so crux of the talk is rather than helping me out,my petition is creating a big trouble in my way to secure B2 visa (tht actually m planning so early for my electives, CS exam and residency interviews.) and now even if i reapply the problem tends to remain same.
so my Que is
1) wht should be my next step?
2) is there any provision for cancellation of family petition? wht is the procedure for tht?
By family petition, do you
If it is a family priority 1 immigration visa, I am afraid as far as I know you cannot apply for a non-immigrant visa if you have a immigrant visa file pending! I am not an expert visa person... any professional might be able to provide a better answer!
1. wait for ur immigration. u can give ur steps before that if it is only few years away.
2. I m not aware of any... there must be some way...
hi salam umer bhai umar bhai
hi salam umer bhai
umar bhai on 19th of july i had my visa appointment in Guangzhou U.S consulate china.i am studying 3rd year student in jiangxi university of TCM.my uncle is in U.S and he sponcer me to visit U.S in summer vacations but my rejected.The interview was like ths.
me:good morning sir
VO:good morning
vo:where are u gng
me:i am going to united state of america
vo:why r u gng to U.S
me:i am gng to U.S to visit my uncle during my vacations from medical school
vo:ru student
vo:wht u r studyng
vo:do u like china
vo:who is paying for u trip
me:my uncle who is in U.S
he pointed his finger on my uncle documnts thn he told me u ties r weak outside the United State.
plz tell me umar bhai what i have to do now can i reapply immediately.
plz guide me it is better for me to reapply immediately or i should apply for U.S visa on the base of electives.
i am worried if will rejected 2nd time for visit visa thn it will creat problm bc i have a plan to go for electives in FEB,MAR 2011.plz tell me wht is beter for me
got rejected previously 4 yrs ago now as employee..
sir, i want to clear my doubt, i.e I applied to uk as a student for dng my Ms. I got reject 3 time with a green color rejection stamp with in 2 months for a silly reason (problem in selecting my college), i finished my p.g in india and joined a job recently.
Now from the company they are sending me to UK for training, will my previous rejections effect this trip? plz !
I am not sure... plz consult
salam umar bhai umar bhai my
salam umar bhai
umar bhai my visa was rejected on 19th of july 2010 now i have reapply and my appointment date is 17th of august 2010 in US embassy in beijing.umar bhai my uncle in united state sponcer me to visit him and he is bearing my all expences including air ticket but previously whn visa officer asked me who is paying for your trip i tld to VO tht my uncle who is in US is paying for my trip thn he tld me u ties r weak outside the united state......and on application form i already showed tht my uncle who is in US is paying for my trip now if i wnt to chng thn plz tell me can i chng it or nt......
so sorry to hear that.....
hi this summer applied for a
this summer applied for a us visit b1/b2 visa to visit my brother who is a doctor in US, and was rejected on not having a strong enough reason to visit US.
soon after i received my acceptance letter from harvard for a research elective and i applied again for the visa. the time duration between both visa applications was a little above a month.
i was rejected again on harvard letter.
im planning to apply again for electives and research again for the next year.
do u think i should? and what are my chances of getting a visa?
Dear Neha
hi neha please go through the
hi neha
please go through the following link. Read it carefully and then write here what do you think, what mistake you have done!
thanks for the reply ayaz!visa refusal
hi umar bhai!
I am a final year mbbs student, i got acceptance from weill cornell medical college for elective, i apply for visa, but visa officer refuse to give me a visa, umar bhai should i apply again? If there is any case who get visa after refusal? If so, then how many chances are there that i will get the visa.
I will be very thankful to you.
Apply again with a better
visa refusal
hi umar bhai!
jee umar bhai, i will do my best next time but umar bhai i had done a blunder in my last interview, visa officer asked me to tell names of some common anesthtics, i told him, then he said tell me names of local anesthetics, i replied lidocaine, visa officer said tell me its route of administration? i replied intravenous because i was sooo confused at that time, he looks angry after my reply, after typing for 2 minutes, he refused to give me a visa, umar bhai will this wrong answer still harms me in next interview? will the new visa officer takes notice of my previous wrong answer of a question? or i will be interviewed as a fresh candidate?
i will be very thankful to you for your reply!
I dont think so... but this
visa refusal
hi umar bhai!
I reapply again for visa on 20th september but I am refused again. Visa officer told me that my conditions have not been changed since last refusal, as far as my conditions will not change they will have the same answer. Umar bhai what should i do now? Should I reapply again? What type of changes should i do with my conditions? I will be very thankful to you brother.
Thanx for guidance.
In order to know what
Visa Rejection
Umar Bhai,
My B1 Visa was rejected on 27th Aug giving a reason of 214 b.
Is there any way that we can get this decision reviewed from someone, meaning can we challenge this decision, by applying back and asking them to rethink...
They have not marked anything on my passport as of now. Please help.
Thank You,
Visa Rejected (sponsor lives in US)
Well i want some advice plz, my visa was denied for the first time because i had a sponsor from USA, and when i finish the interview i asked the embassy even if i try again it is possible? and she told me yes but you should try with another sponsor from your own family like your parents, now i prepare the document with my parents bank statement ,so can i get the f1 visa for this 2end chance?, plz answer me as soon as possible
thanks a lot
i have applied for electives in some university in USA...well i wonder if a travel history will make a difference...because i dont have one...the visa that would be given to me will be F1...do u think a travel histroy is required or its just ok....
kindly reply me ASAP..dnt have much time....
thank u
thanx for replying
just got this info that u gotta have a travel history b4 you apply for this f1 visa...how is sinai considered for the visa thing....????
It is good... can u plz
thanks for replying... i dont
i dont have any written documentation regarding this....
one of my friend guided me in....
thanks howver
I second ayaz's reply... it
reapplication of visa
sir i had applied for my b1/b2 visa to appear in my national boards dental examination
the interview goes like this....
me:good morning sir
vo:good morning,how are you????
me:fine sir
vo:have u been outside india before
me:no sir
vo:where r yu going in the us
me:sir,los angeles
vo:why r yu going there
me:sir to appear in my nbde part 1
vo:why not in india
me:sir it does not take place in india
vo:how long have u been preparing for the exam
me sir ever since i finished the degree like it has been 8 months
vo:do ur parents stay in la
me: no sir they stay in india
vo:do u have relatives in la
me:no sir
vo:single person
me:yes sir
vo:where do u work
me:told the name of the hospital and told that i was working as an assistant dental surgeon
vo:who is sponsoring your trip
me:my dad
vo:sorry sir we cant issue u the visa this time .u have been rejected under section 214b because of not strong family ties
me:but my parents are here in india
vo:i know,come after a couple of years then we ll see
this is how the interview went
but all of my family members and relatives are here in india and he rejected me because of family ties.....can i reapply the visa.....what exactly happened please explain umaar bhai.i showed my pay to be 96000 anually but i didnt tell him that i was working part time.....pplease tell me the chances of getting the visa the next time....i have taken a new date for my exam
I am not sure myself why he
b1 visa rejection
hello umar sir how s evrythng at ur nd??
need some visa guidance frm u plz earlier u told me that u were rejected for d 1st time yaar i hav also been rejected yesterday i hav electiv approval letters frm jeffersn nd albany but i was told that i hav insufficient ties with INDIA yaar i actually i mentiond dat my sponsor is my father wornkng in kuwait and den i was rejectd can i menton my mother s sponsor dis time who is workng in govt of india bank?? can i change dis statemnt plz rep s soon s possible really in big trouble
![post a reply](http://static4.orkut.com/gwt/clear.cache.gif)
I am sorry Prashant there
Changing statement is generally not a wise idea as they have complete record of all your previous interview. It would be better if you can carry letters from your college/ hospital mentioning that you would come back to join your college/hospital after electives.
can u please name the things
can u please name the things that ppl should aware of when applying for visas for electives
like family things and money??
how should i prove that i have enough money??
like is it a report of my dad account in the back?? or wat?
I think a bank statement is
visa rejected for residency interview
Please tell us more in detail
My B1 Visa refused
Hi, my Business Visa got refused last week.
Visa Officer asked about my present company experience ( I answered 4Months) and previous company exp ( 2.5years) and other questions like purpose of traveling(for discussing business requirements), duration of stay(15-20ays) and monthly income in india (50K). Other countries travelled ( Qatar, UAE) finally VO said, unfortunately cant process my Visa today as per Section 214b.
I have total 6.5yrs of experience but I didnt get chance to explain and she didnt ask for any documents.
I really dont understand, why VO refused to give Visa.
Please help me can i re apply again and what could be the negative point.
Can you please tell us in
rejection of visa for electives at cornell
i m a final yr mbbs student from mumbai....my visa got rejected a few days back on the basis of them considering me a potential immigrant... i told them that my internship is still left to be done without which i wont get my graduation degree... i had all d relevant documents but they dint hav a look at any of them n rejected my visa aftr grilling me for 15 min...now i m in a very precarious situation as my elective is starting from jan end and i m not really sure that whether i should apply in such less time or not....pls help...
thank you.
Try to find the reason why
f1 visa rejection
My f1 visa got rejected recently 2 times firstly on 21st December 2010 and again on 30th December 2010,for Baylor college of medicine.my course was starting from 3rd January.
I have done one month of elective in Albany Medical Center in neurology in October month on b1 visa and then i came back to India on 30th October.
now every time i apply for visa interview at the mumbai consulate for an elective,they ask me you have recently done elective and came back,why do you want to go again.
Umar ji,please help me and give me a advice on how to tackle this situation.
i am having two electives one in albany and other in jefferson for April and May month.
You can mention them that
applied to 12 universities; Will It adversely affect my VI
I have applied to 12 universities 10 on software and 2 on MIS.
Will applying for different courses in universities adversely affect my chance of getting a F1 VISA.
If the visa Officer asks me why I applied to so many colleges. How can I justify that.
I dont think so...you can
I reduced the number to 8
I'm the original poster of this message. I'm updating this post. I reduced the number of colleges to eight. Eventhough initially I short listed 12 universities, I only ended up applying to 8 because I already got an admit from my dream university.
But I was just wondering what is the average number of colleges an international student applies.
Hi, I have 8 colleges that
I have 8 colleges that exactly matches my profile. I'm also applying to 4 other ambitious colleges like Carnegie melon, Cornell, TAMU. Will this large number of application stand in the way of my visa. It will be 12 colleges.I reeally really want to learn in a great college.
I'm not concerned that I applied to MIS and CS because of them are significantly close to my under graduation and Work experience. and both of them are closely related and are resonant with my career objective.
The specilaization that I was aiming for In CS is related to MIS, so both are the same thing.
After graduation I will come back to India and serve in my company bcoz I have already proved myself there to my superiors and myself and it would be easier for me to climb the professional ladder in this company.
So what are the docs that I must carry that are related to my work to the Visa interview.
im a final yr student at dmc, i had applied with my mom for a b1/b2 visa on 8th feb, they gave the visa to my mom and rejected me saying that im not settled enough right now and i should apply when i am a doctor. I had made a blunder on my visa form, my whole family had been rejected a visa in yr 2000 and i was only 12 at that time and i was confused if i should mention on the form that i have been rejected, i wrote havent been rejected and that was a mistake on my part. Now i have an elective from LIJ for sept, hopefully ill get an official letter from them by the end of this month, now im afraid that whether i should apply for a visa immediately after i get all the documents because the interval between the two applications will be very less. What do u suggest?
Salam Zia Bhai
Zia bhai to whom you contact for elective at LIJ,bhai i mailed to many but could nt get any response.......
F1 visa rejected twice
Umar Sir,
I was rejected f1 visa twice under section 214b. First on 29 dec 2010 and second time on 6 jan 2011. though I got full funding for doing my MS. At the time of Interview I was afraid and when the visa officer asked me that in how many university I had applied then i confused and not able to tell him the correct name of university
Section 214b is a part of the
which means that one is considered as an immigrant if he is applying for a non- immigrant visa, until he/she him/herself proves otherwise. i-e One has to try their best to prove themselves as a non immigrant in order to be eligible for a visa. And to prove that you have to show enough ties to your home country that prove that you will be returning back anyway after completion of your program. Any thing that shows that you wont return, weakens ur chances of getting a visa.
How much bank balance does
How much bank balance does your father have exactly and how long is the duration of your stay in US? You don't need to show extravagant amounts of balance. Besides they rarely ask you to show bank balance but it's always important to be well prepared. Anything around 5000$ for a month's stay would be quite useful.
F1 Visa Rejection 4 Times For Spring 11
I appeared for F1 Visa in Spring 11 for 4 times for NYU POLY bt all time i gt rejection.
Nw i will be trying it for fall11,,should i change my university frm NYU POLY to WSU or should i stick to NYU POLY..wht are my chances of getting visa?
Wht reason should i give for changing university..?
visa rejection
I appeared for b1/b2 visa interview today, got rejected.my interview as follows-
offcr- hi, how r u
me- im fine.
officr- so y do u want to go to us ?
me- i intend to give my step 2 cs exam there, i have been given a date of step 2cs. oct 4
showed the letter
officr- what exam is that ?
me- its a clinical skill exam for medical licensing
officr- so y do want to go there ?
me- its conducted only in us
officr- how will it help u in future?
me- to get a residency in us (i feel this must have been wrongly interpreted by her, i meant ws to becm a resident dr)
offcr-ok, will it help u in india
me- no
officr-have u ever travelled to us
offcr- it says here u plan to stay in new jersey, while ur test centre is in atlanta??
me- i just have 1 contact in USA and they stay in new jersey , so i mentioned theirs in ds-160. i plan to stay ther fr 4-5 days then rent a flat or hotel in atlanta to give exam and come back in 5 days, total duration being 12 days.
offcr- bt new jersey and atlanta are far off
me- i know, bt i just have 1 contact there. i ve looking for apartments in atlanta.
offcr-hmm,and u ve never been to us befr rite ?
me -yeah
offcr-hmm, hold on a sec
she leave the counter and comes back after a minute or two
officr- im sorry i cant give u a visa. realy sorry
and hands over the red booklet saying ,
and this will explain u y,
You have made major blunders
You have made major blunders in your visa interview. I am not surprised that it got rejected.
i don understand how can
visa rejection
I applied at Emory for an Observership for month of June 2011 and got it.. for that i applied for B1/B2 visit visa in April ' 11.. Unfortunately it was rejected.. The Officer told me that " i don't qualify for the visit visa right now"....
I don't know why they rejected me....i showed them all my documents... the one thing she was emphasizing was what are my plans after graduation? And secondly my sister is doing her fellowship at New York.. so they were like do u want to follow your sisters footsteps? My uncle was also doing his fellowship at Emory hospital at that time... so she asked me if my Observership Department Head knew my uncle??
Can you please HELP ME out here... im lost... Should i apply for December 2011 in a different hospital?
And what are my chances of getting the visa NOW!!!
You just have to prove that
B1/B2 Visa on pending status
My application for B1/B2 visa (to attend a week long conference in USA, sponsored by the company holding conference) was kept in pending status (221g green form) after the Visa interview. Now the conference date is over, and my Visa status is still unknown. Will they give me the Visa whenever the Administrative Processing is completed?
confrence visa
if u r registered in confrence then u will definitely get visa for a term of 5 years. your case under AP shall be complete after 75 days. your visa is 100% confirm.
Please enjoy the trip
Visa rejected twice under 214(b)
My F1 Visa has been rejected twice under 214b..
In my first VI.. My mistake was that I gave long answers with too much information so the VO thought that my answers were scripted..
In the 2nd VI I got the same VO.. She asked me couple of questions and then transferred me to another VO.. She asked me Questions like:
1> Which course?
2> HOw much in GRE?
3> Do you have friends and family in US
4> Why UTD
And then she rejected my Visa without giving me a reason.
Q. 1 > What do you think I should do now?
Q. 2> How many times can I apply for VIsa under F1?
You have to prove you have
hi, I have been rejected for
I have been rejected for F1 for mount sinai 1 month back. i have applied again. i have my interview after 2 days. in my last interview, the VO emphasized a lot on the fact taht my sister is living there in USA. she is married and a green card holder, went to US 2yrs back. she asked me more about my sister rather than myself. i m very confused as wott to do dis tym. if the VO starts asking abt my sis. wott shud i do to prove my home ties?m not going to visit her. they didnt give me any chance to tell dat i will cum back!!! plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help needed urgently!!!
You need to prove stronger
Visa rejected twice
my visa got rejected twice at the mumbai consulate. the vo asked me standard questions like why usa, why tennessee tech university, gre score, what is ur profesional goal n finally rejected me. I answered them satisfactorily except sometimes i stammered, now i feel that he rejected me for 2 reasons 1. I have only 1 admit out of 4 univs and secondly my acads r pretty bad, ive got a % of 58 in my undergrads.
firstly, plz tell me how many times can v apply for a visa?
secondly wat should I do as i feel its only d univ n acads for which m getting frequent rejects. please advice.
Your scores dont affect ur
visa refusal on dad's basis
my first fi visa was bad...everything went well.i was with my dad as i was 17.i answered all questions properly but the consular asked my dad to provide his passport of which he did.he noted that he had been rejected a visa 3times and that set his basis for denying me too.i feel thats not unfair n am making an appeal.any advice on ma next interview..i will be going alone this time round
Visa rejected query
I have applied for the student visa 0n 20.june 2011 for germany. After 1 month visa
comes but after 1 month they send me rejection with out given any
reason. I have checked from auslanderbeurde(Foreigners Authority) about my visa documents, he
said that they have not send documents to germany and made decision in
I have given all the required documents with financial proof:Tranferred amount in deutsche bank+ Uncle Verpelichtungserklarung(Sponsorship) with legal binding for any further/ immanency support.
My interview was good along with documents and I have given all answers confidently and satisfied them on all grounds and areas. They checked my documents and told me to deposit visa fee for visa processing.
Normally if their is still any issue in documents then embassy send rejection within 1 week but if documents are ok then they send the documents to auslanderberude(Foreigners Authority) in germany for further processing. After 4 week I must be getting visa but case is very different they have send rejection letter without concerning auslenderberude in germany and made decison in pakistan. I am concerned with this that how they can take descion in pakistan without concerning asulanderberude in germnay when all documents are ok.
My classes are starting in October 4 and I don't want to miss this opportunity. Please help or give suggestions what can be done for my case. How university or foreign authorities can help me in getting visa.
Thanks for all the help in advance...!
rejected student f1 visa once
I was rejected a student f1 visa one day back. When the interviewer asked me about my university that how did i found this particular university, i wasn't able to answer him clearly and i got confused. So, i want to ask when should i re-apply for visa as my classes are also to begin in next 25 days.
Canadian Student Visa Rejected
Well my student Visa for a Canadian Univ was rejected on grounds of insufficient funds of parent.I am absolutely amazed that they would consider my parents income when i had clearly mentioned them as retired.Also my elder sister had stood as a guarantor and has a very stable income.We had even availed a student loan to the tune of the entire course fee.
Please suggest as to how i should present my case and whether it is sensible to reapply
Rejection of temporary resident visa to canada
I am mahi from india.My husband is studying at Canad, he tried to get
a temporary visiting visa to Canada.But unfortunatly it is rejected
due to insufficient fund.Sir, could you please tell me the next step
to get it as soon as possible.One thing I would like to mention that
my account balance is 3300$ and my husband's balance is 6600 $.Is that
sufficient? Waiting for your quick response.Thanking You.
visa rejected
you can apply for CS now and
bank balance
May I know how much bank balance is ideally needed to show that we are well off..
I think more than $3000-4000
visa refusal
hello sir
myself Rupinder kaur sidhu went for my B1/B2 visa interview on 7th october 2011 but got rejected. My interview followed as
me.good morning mam
ve.good morning
vo.what is your purpose of visting US
me. i m going for my exam national board dental examination part 1 to seek addmission in DDS doctorate of dental surgery
vo. what u had done here in india
me.i had completed my degree in bachelors of dental surgery from sri guru ram das dental institute of dental sciences and research, amritsar
vo. why cant u take this exam in india
me mam this exam can only be taken in usa territories
vo.what type of exam is this
me mam this is a multiple choice question exam
vo why u want to do DDS
me. to have an international edge in my degree
vo.when did u completed ur degree
me in may june 2010
vo what are u doing after your degree
me mam i m studying for my this exam for the last 8 months
vo.r u married
vo.sorry i can't give u visa this time
she rejected me on the bases of 214/b presuming me a potential immigrant. i dont know hw come she judged me to be an potential immigrant , she haven't asked me about my family haven't seen any of my document .my brother working as a 3rd engg in merchant navy being an internationl sailier do come back, my family is here . i dont had any of my relative in us . i was about to stay in hotel . had already depoisted my fee for exam with joint commission .she haven't put any stamp on my passport .please sir help me and guide me when sholu i apply for visa next time and how much is the chances of getting my visa
B1 Revocation now appearing for H1B
Hi Umar,
Earlier I had appeared for an L1A blanket visa interview which got rejected due to wrong category.The visa officer also revoked my B1 visa without citing any reasons.Then I sent an email to the consulate asking for the reason of revocation and they mentioned it as 214g.
Now I have my H1B visa lined up and I want to know will this B1 revocation impact?Also while revoking the visa officer neither gave me any slip nor provided any reason for revocation.
Please let me know how should I answer if questioned about this revocation.
Thanks a lot,
Same case as yours
Hi Shaavi,
I have exactly same case as yours.My previous H1B was rejected and the VO revoked my existing B1?B2 as well without any reasons.Now I am in process of a new H1B.Can you please call me on 9971711449 if possible.
B2 Visa rejected from Toronto
B2 Visa was rejected from my full family last august,2011 (me, my wife & daughter).
I am currently in Canada for work permit (intercompany transfer). My wife is also working for one multinational Indian company. Both me & my wife has canadian work permit.
the interview was like this:
Me: good afternoon Mam
VO: Good after noon.
VO: do u have any offer letter in Canada.
Me: Handed over the offer letter to the VO. (wich is from Canada location of my organization valid for one year). though I am working for the same organization (for India) for more than 5 years in India.
VO: have you travelled to US before?
Me: no
VO: Seems you came here very recently (it was 4 month then).
VO: Why you have not applied the visa from India?
Me: I forgot to tell the VO that I was in china on Company travel before I came to Canada. Do didn't get sufficient time to apply for US B2 visa from India.
And I told I planned to visit US(place like NY, Chicago) since it is very close to my place.
VO: We can not issue visa this time.
One of our relative is citizen of US and staying over there for 30 years. We have invitation letter from him also. But did not get the change to show that.
Please suggest, if I re apply once again, then what is the chance for me to get the visa?
plzz help
now i have an interview call from buffalo university. i have booked my interview on 12th of november...
what should be my best answer if the visa officer asks why i wanted to do MHA, where as now i m going for an interview for my dds...
please help
B1/B2 rejection
I am a final year medicine student at a prestigious institution in Karachi.I applied for a B1/B2 visa when i was in fourth year at my uncle's clinic.He usually carries out fourth year rotations and he sent me the same letter.Unfortunately the visa got rejected because he knew he was my uncle.I did a blunder at that point and I understood that.
Now i want to apply again for a clinical elective.I applied with my whole family back in 2000 and got rejected at that time too.So till now i have two rejections and this has clearly ruined my confidence.
i am now UAE resident.Do you think applying from there will improve my chances? if I get a letter from any U.S university for an elective?
Please guide me.
Please guide me I want to apply second time to B1 Visa
My Visa interview was held on 4th Nov, 2011 in Kolkata. And they refused my US visa once.
I am living in Pune but accidently my VISA interview was scheduled in Kolkata. Documents I had carry with me are 1) Client letter: As previously discussed, <Client name> is in urgent need for <my name> to travel to Austin, TX for a 6-8 week period during the timeframe of October 2011 through December 2011. <My name> will spend this performing cross-training with Austin based development, support and QA personnel. 2) Company letter: To Whom it may concern <Client Company name> is a Company based in Austin, TX. <My company name in US> is a company based in Dallas, Tx. <My company name in US> has a subsidiary based in India called <My company name in India>. <My company name in US> has a contract with <Client Company name> to develop software and maintain their products. Mr. <My name> is required to visit <Client Company name>, Austin, TX for a period of 6-8 weeks from November 11, 2011 for undergoing training on the quality assurance and software architectural aspects of <Client company name>’s products. <My company name> would be bearing all the expenses including travelling to and from as well as within Austin for him for hotel, food and other incidental expenses during his stay in the US. Please feel free to call the undersigned at 214-762-4873 in case you have any questions. Application Letter Subject: Issue of business visa for Mr. <My name> of <My company name> Dear Sir/Madam: <My company name>, a wholly owned subsidiary of <My company name in US>. <My company name in US> is a Texas based company which serves various small to mid-sized clients with software developed services. Leveraging our services, our clients are able to cost effectively develop their innovative software solutions and lead their respective markets. <My company name in India> handles our offshore software development projects. For <My Company name> to serve its clients, it is imperative that our India based senior professionals visit our clients to learn their software development requirements. Since all our clients are US based, these <My company name> professionals have to visit US, typically for period of 6 to 8 weeks each time. In each visit, they are entirely focused on learning the specifics of client’s project requirements. One such senior professional of our team Mr. <My name> is leading the software development work for our Texas based client <Client company name>. To start a new software product development for <Client company name>, Mr. <My name> needs to be in Austin, starting November. 2011. In this visit, Mr. <My name> will interact with product managers and software architects of <Client name> to understand the development requirements that <My company name> team needs to handle n India. We would highly appreciate your issuing a visa to Mr. <my name> enabling him to visit <Client name> team in Austin, Texas. I want to apply second time again after waiting 3-4 weeks. This time I will take appointment in Mumbai. Please suggest if the documents are not adequate. My main purpose is to get training, attained meeting between our client <Client name> and end users of product to know their work culture. All work related to development and testing of the product that client <Client name> is using is conducted in India. I am married and has one son of 3 years. I am living in Pune with my wife and son and do not have any intention to live there more than 2 months. Interview: I did not know that the VO is US guy and how VO decision is depends most on what you talk in interview rather than what is written in you company/ client letters. I had planned to say Good morning to VO when my turn up but when I went in front window VO himself ask me How r u doing? me: I am doing good. (Did not said so confidently, and again forgot to ask him How r u?) Before I say How r u?, he started asking questions. He took only ½ minutes of interview. VO: Why are you going US? Me: To know the work culture of client and for requirement gathering. I was suppose to tell there for training purpose only but at that time I thought that as it is already written in my letters then why again to mention it. I thought if I add more reasons it will help me to get approve. VO: Why only you? Me: They have one enhancement and I need to collect the requirement. I think I should not answer like this. I made blunder here. Actually our company has routine policy to send each employee for training once and I should tell that “now it is my turn to go and get training. Once I return to If I answer like this will it help me to get B1 US visa? VO: Why for this period? (6-8 weeks has been written in letters). I was little bit confused here that what to answer. Me: As the client has an enhancement on which I am suppose to work there fore I need to go there and collect the requirement in this period. I think he was not clear with my answer or my points went in negative numbers for this answer. He again asked me the same question. VO: Why for this period? I repeated the same thing because I was totally confused this time why he asking this question twice. Me: They have an enhancement on which I need to work and I need to collect requirement for the same in this period and complete the enhancement. I think I lost my mind at that time and made one more blunder and “complete the enhancement” came out of my mouth. Up to now I did not realize what blunder I had made. VO went and come back within a second saying that your visa has been refused and handed over a letter including the reason of rejection. Reason mentioned in the refusal letter is “that your intended activities in US would be consistent with the visa status”. I was totally shocked. Because 8 teammates have got the B1 US visa for the same reason and with same documents. They successfully got the training and came back within the mentioned period (i.e. 6-8 weeks) Questions for you: What percentage of chances I have to get visa when I apply second time? What was the reason of refusal of my visa? Was my answer are stupid so that it did not convince VO that I will not stay in US more that mentioned period? What should I add more to get Visa approved? Please help.
first time my visa is
visa rejection for harvard
I had an observers in harvard for 5 months
. i am a graduate already studyin for my steps.the visa interview was 2 weeks back.
Vo: GM
me: GM mam
Vo: so why do u want to go?
Me: i have an observers in the dept of radiology in MGH and to give my step 2 cs
Vo: how long is it for ?
me: 5 months
vvo: wat will u be doing there for 5 months?
me: i wud be observng various new techniques and new procedures along with the attending .
vo: since it is for 5 months will u be paid?
me: no mam, i wud not be paid for it.
vo: have u paid any fees ?
me: no mam, an observership is free of cost
vo: what do ur parents do?
me:my fathr s a doctor and my mother takes tuitions
vo: wat are u doing at present
me:i am a research trainee at an imaging centre
vo: are u paid for it ?
me: no mam
vo: have u finished your MBBS
me: yes mam i graduated this year in february
vo: are u single or married
me: i am single
vo: after 30 - 40 secs of typing... i am sorry sir i wud not be able to grant u a visa at present.u can apply again
me: thank you
my question is :
when can i apply again?
she did not see a single document of mine
whether i shud change to a clerkshiop where i have to pay fees and whihc is for a shorter dureation
is it ok if it is inanother university?
and any other suggestions ?
she did not ask me anythig about step 2 cs
thanks so much
pls reply at yr earliest
visa rejected for abu dhabi
i got my visa rejected due to medical unfit certificate. I have no health problems. I am healthy but problem is i have a scar on my chest xray because of which i am certified unfit.
how to solve this problem
2 apply for B2 visa
Now i have re applied for B2 visa again alone in which my sister who is working in a GCC country is sponsoring me ,she works for an alirline she already hold a US tourist visa B2 n have traveled to US before.
I live with my mother alone in PK. one sister is here who is married but lives separate.
Is there any suggestion to go about with the interview .. what type of questions should i expect? ?
B1 Visa Rejection Twice in one Year
Hi Friends, I want to share my story and experience. I had applied B1 Visa from an organisation around a year back and i was refused. I was given a letter states a reason being "214b".The interviewer did not give me enough time to put my case across. I am shocked that how people can judge someone's purpose in just half a minute. I think they are powerful than god. They seem so relaxed and calm but never figured that they are shattering someone's dreams. So, that was one half of the story.
Now the second part is more funny. I applied again and will tell what happened after some lines... WATCH FOR IT.......
I reached US embassy at 8:15 AM and finally able to reach till the first window at around 9 AM. There i had interviewed by young Indian lady who seemed more nervous than me. She was just supposed to check my passport and staple the passport and the application form. Then another lady came and helped her and asked her to ask me some questions. So she asked the purpose of my visit. From there, the Q & A round started.
From there i went to finger printing section. The best and relaxed time of visa interview. Then i came across 50 yr old lady already rejected 2 visas while i was standing there.
she directly asked me why was my visa rejected earlier and how my case is different this time. She did not convince with my 2 mns answer and finally rejected my visa.
Seeking for Visa
I Visa has been rejected twice B1 and F2,as my wife is staying Usa working for reputed firm....Last month she apllied for h1,Got rejected.How can i aplly again. Shld i wait for H1 of my Wife to clear.Or as she still have Opt for one year. Shld i apply on F2.
US business visa rejection
I don't know what went wrong with my interview.
i applied for business B1/B2 visa from a well established US based company fr two weeks.
i am working here for almost 4 years.
my interview:
me : good morning mam
vo : good morning , hru
me : I am fine , hru
vo : why are u going to us
me : i am going thr for business meetings with xxx and team.
vo : how many meetings you will attend ?
me : i have total eight meeings , four each week
first week with xxx and team and second week with clients.
vo : what will you do in time other than meetings?
me : I will visit company offices and factories in the city .
vo typed something fr 2 mins
business visa does not apply fr u ..resons mentioned in the leeter i am giving u.
me : thank u ( shocked )
how ????
My uk visa rejected 2 times
Pls help me my UK visa rejected 2 times and they havr refuced me and i cant able to go to uk for next 10 years bcas they have banded me..
then shall i can able to go to another country (singapore)... for a working visa pls help me..
rejected visitor visa, but
kindly he3lp..
Rejected F1 Visa in DEC 2004 i want to apply B1
i have applied for F1 visa in 2004 and was rejected as they said i dont have proper document and said its fake but havent mentioned anything in my rejection letter just mentioned 214B
now iam working in middle east since 3 years have my family with me im planning to apply for visit visa B1/B2 to visit my brother as he is blessed with baby boy and i havent met my brother since 3 years
will my past rejection affect my application
Thanks in advance
from what country chance to get usa visa is more?china or pak
i am currently final year medical student in china.in final year we go back to home country(in my case pakistan) to do observership.i have few questions
1.which country is best for me to apply for elective visa,china or pakistan?plus point for applying in china z diplomatic conditions are better in china and i am student here in china and plus point to apply in pakistan that my security clearance is easy for usa embassy
2.my previous passport is computerized machine readable but the passport i renewed in china is manual not machine readable.will it effect if i apply in china with manual pasport.i know that i can apply but will it effect with manual passport
3.my final year has started so i need to go back to pakistan to do observership but i am in china to wait for approval and invitation letter from usa universityi applied in end of june so what do you think that how much more time it will take to get the invitation letter from usa university.university itself not giving any time that when they gonna accept me and give me approval letter.so should i wait more
Yesterday, my US visa was
Yesterday, my US visa was rejected along with my wife under 214(b). I was going to the US for a buyer-seller meet where I was supposed to display my articles. This was organized by the US market cosul along with Council of Leather exports which is a Govt. of India apex body. We had the relevant docs but the interviewer didnt ask for it once she heard by salary was less. Actually I am a part of my family business which I have joined some time back and have not yet become the partner. I applied as the CEO and showed a salary of 40,000 INR/month. This is due to the nature of business and turnover and profit we could not show any more.
usa visa observership
i got observership as medical student.i want to apply for visit visa(b1/b2) for observership.
i have read on this forum that visas have been denied or people deported from usa port of entry on observership because visa officer used to tell them that you have to be on j1 or f1 for observership.those who were deported were graduates(doctors) but i am a medical student.
what should i do?
please help and give me some time by replying to my post.i have heard a lot about this website so i am asking for help in the shape of good advice.
please help me
b1/b2 tourism 214b refusal karachi
I am kinda old compared to you guys,39 to be exact.I have been going to the us since the age of 8 or 9 and have never been refused a visa untill now.i spent 5 years there on f1 in the 90s and came back. i was issued b1/b2 visa in 2002 and then again the same visa in 2007 .Unfortunately i did not use the 2007 visa issued for 5 years which probably screwed up my case this time.In 2007 i was asked a couple of simple questions and then issued the visa.This time i thought the same was gonna happen so i did not think too much about the interview.But unfortunately unlike the last time this time the VO was looking very angry and giving me strange looks as if he does not like me. I fumbled a bit in the interview regarding my economic ties in pakistant. I forgot what i had written exactly in the form regarding my source of income and probably gave answers which did not exactly match what was there in the form. Plus the fact that I am still single did not go down well with him. He refused my visa and said that he does need to explain anything to me which was rather rude.He did not ask for my bank statement or any supporting document.
I can apply again showing them bank statements and property documents in my name including my house.I can show money in the bank for the last 12 months 70k dollars plus. The problem is that these guys do not often look at documents.I now a relative of mine who refused tourist visa eventhough he has over a million dollars in his bank account.I am not sure if I should apply again or not?If i did should i give interview in urdu this time? because this white guy who interviewed me looked like he was ready to shoot me or something.
B1/B2 Visa got refused last year
Salam Umar bhai!!
I am very confused I got rejected for B1/B2 visa last year I applied with my parents my mistake was I mentioned my fiancé in the application and I think that's the reason why they rejected my visa and this time I applied for an observership and I got approved recently and I was asked to apply for B1 and I did I have submitted the application but I'm confused about the interview that what are they gonna ask me? And how I can get the visa? Please help me.
B1/B2 got rejected last year
salam Umar bhai!
I am a final year medical student from pakistan. Last year I applied for B1/B2 with my family that got rejected for some reason i am suspecting it happened because i mentioned i have a fiance over there in US my fault. Now this year I applied for observership in some hospital and Alhamdulillah I got approved. I have applied for B1 visa this time as i was asked by the hospital to do. I want some guidance regarding my interview what they could ask me what I should say please help me. I'll be very thank ful.
visa for observerships
i have been selected for an observership at Maricopa,but they have only sent me an email confirmation,and refuse to send me a letter.can i apply for a visit visa on this basis